查看完整版本: 美公司研製廉價小型偵察機
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MightyDragon 發表於 2012-8-31 03:59 PM


這間諜飛機只是稍微將單渦輪螺旋槳發動機飛機Quest Kodiak修改一下就算,無法想像著名的B-2製造商諾斯羅普·格魯門公司會釋出這種全無誠意產品!看起來在這幾年裡即使是大型飛機公司過的都是很緊的日子...
然後關於無人駕駛飛機Sandstorm,是諾斯羅普·格魯門和無人系統公司合作推出,充當高價格無人駕駛飛機如「捕食者」為替代用於培訓飛行員進行起飛和著陸。明顯地到了這一刻已經有很多高價無人機均死在菜鳥的九流起降技巧 {:7:}

August 30, 2012

Northrop Grumman Corp, maker of the B-2 spy plane and the Global Hawk unmanned drone, will demonstrate a smaller, cheaper surveillance plane this week it hopes will be attractive to budget conscious U.S. law agencies and foreign countries.

The new Air Claw system marks Northrop’s latest effort to expand its overseas revenues and move into new non-military markets at home given the expected decline in U.S. military spending after a decade of sharp growth.

The new aircraft adds high-tech sensors to the rugged, single-engine Quest Kodiak aircraft, including a wide-area surveillance camera that captures images over an area that measures 4 miles by 4 miles and has already been used to help make arrests on the southern U.S. border.

“Air Claw will cost millions less than other aircraft that are out there,” Tom Kubit, a senior executive with Northrop Grumman’s technical services sector, told reporters at a small private airport outside Baltimore.

He said Northrop has built over a dozen special mission planes for the U.S. government over the past 21 years, but developed the new plane as a low-cost alternative given the mounting budget pressures facing the U.S. government and an estimated 48 countries that use such aircraft.

Northrop will demonstrate the Air Claw to U.S. law enforcement agencies this week.

The plane, which can take off and land on short, unimproved runways, had its first flight in July, and generated strong initial interest at two U.S. air shows this summer. The company is hosting a series of demonstration flights for potential customers across the country through October, Kubit said.

He said Northrop would market the new plane for use in border patrol, law enforcement, disaster response and special operations missions.

He declined to give an exact price, but said the new plane, equipped with a standard package of sensors, would cost about the same as a Pilatus PC-12 built by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland, which sells for just under $4 million, and millions less than the King Air, both without surveillance equipment.

Northrop is also pitching a new remotely-piloted unmanned plane, Sandstorm, that it says would dramatically lower the cost of training pilots to fly drones such as Predators and Reapers, giving them more opportunities to practice and possibly averting damage caused by many hard landings of the unmanned planes.

Sandstorm, which can be flown via the Internet, could also be used for testing payloads and some limited operations, said Karl Purdy, manager of new unmanned aerial system programs for the Northrop technical services division.

Each new aircraft and its control system costs less than $100,000, Purdy said, calling the program the brainchild of Don Bintz, one of the first pilots to fly the Predator drones that are built by privately held General Atomics....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

白蓮梵天 發表於 2012-8-31 07:25 PM


yastern 發表於 2012-8-31 08:08 PM

世界各國多少都會發展無人機 就連小國家也都會只是好的無人機要防干擾置空時間長

微笑的羅生門 發表於 2012-8-31 09:33 PM


MightyDragon 發表於 2012-8-31 10:11 PM

白蓮梵天 發表於 2012-8-31 07:25 PM static/image/common/back.gif
再過不久大陸也會有很多隱型無人偵察機的出現 ...

真的有好好地看內容嗎?內文的確有提及「廉價小型偵察機」和「無人機」,卻沒有「無人偵察機」  {:3:}<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

n8520839a 發表於 2012-8-31 11:51 PM

一開始看到黃色的飛機 我還在想說 這是開玩笑嗎?   後來看到下面的圖才恍然大悟  畢竟美國的無人偵察機似乎作的真的很完善而且目前也只聽說過幾次飛行失敗而已

josephchu 發表於 2012-8-31 11:57 PM


MightyDragon 發表於 2012-9-1 12:32 AM

n8520839a 發表於 2012-8-31 11:51 PM static/image/common/back.gif
一開始看到黃色的飛機 我還在想說 這是開玩笑嗎?   後來看到下面的圖才恍然大悟  畢竟美國的無人偵察機似乎 ...


masd57 發表於 2012-9-1 02:18 AM



seli0279 發表於 2012-9-1 04:19 AM


dkdsl 發表於 2012-9-8 07:34 PM


colt357tw 發表於 2012-9-8 11:05 PM

"...will demonstrate the Air Claw to U.S. law enforcement agencies..."

貼文不識字 回文的也沒看....這他娘親的只是供條子最多邊境巡警用的 難道中國國內已經亂到需要搞掠食者等級的來對老百姓做監控?

colt357tw 發表於 2012-9-9 12:48 AM

第一 air claw是警用的 也是在警用品展發出的 不是您第一句就說的 間諜飛機 最多只是個空拍監視用載具"...無法想像著名的B-2製造商諾斯羅普·格魯門公司會釋出這種全無誠意產品..." 這句話可是您說的吧?

第二 美國陸軍至少檯面上還是最多無人機使用者 多數操作兵是18~20歲的小夥子啥都不懂 在這情況下以廉價簡易型的訓練載具來提供"giving them more opportunities to practice and possibly averting damage caused by many hard landings of the unmanned planes" 本來就合情合理。 您這句"充當高價格無人駕駛飛機如「捕食者」為替代用於培訓飛行員進行起飛和著陸。明顯地到了這一刻已經有很多高價無人機均死在菜鳥的九流起降技巧 {:7:}  " 是否意指其他使用無人機的國家軍隊是專業訓練過的一流操作員? 還是說中國軍隊是直接以實機做訓練?
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homesapiens 發表於 2012-9-9 12:59 AM


MightyDragon 發表於 2012-9-9 07:02 AM

colt357tw 發表於 2012-9-9 12:48 AM static/image/common/back.gif
第一 air claw是警用的 也是在警用品展發出的 不是您第一句就說的 間諜飛機 最多只是個空拍監視用載具"... ...

1. "Low cost spy plane takes off as military budgets squeezed"是路透社關於"Air Claw"的標題,「間諜機」不是我的創作!
2. Steve Zinda, Quest公司的銷售和市場營銷總監,在新聞發布會上有以下的說法:“We see a lot of market potential in the government and military sector for the Air Claw, and are confident the aircraft will be well received.” 軍用什麼也不是我的創作 {:32:}
3. 中國的無人機運用比較美國少很多,使用者比美國菜鳥亦小心很多 {:3:}
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